Project – Website Design For Finance Company, Ireland

Project Overview:

  • Client: Era Financial, a financial company based in Ireland.
  • Project Name: Era Financial Website Design
  • Project Duration: November 1, 2023, to November 2, 2023


Era Financial, a relatively new entrant to the financial sector, sought to establish its online presence with a fresh and informative website. Prior to my engagement, Era Financial used a placeholder page, signaling their intent to launch a website. Their primary objective was clear: they needed a well-crafted website to introduce themselves to their target audience and provide essential information about their services. With only three pages in mind—Home, Service, and Individual Service—they aimed to keep visitors engaged, informed, and interested in their offerings.


Era Financial’s challenge lay in transforming their digital presence from a simple placeholder to a professional, engaging, and informative website. Although they had a rudimentary structure created by a previous freelancer, the UI needed a complete overhaul. Furthermore, Era Financial had a limited pool of information at the outset, and content development was contingent on my Figma and Illustrator design.

Design Solutions

My approach revolved around creating a clean, user-friendly, and engaging website that would captivate Era Financial’s audience. I understood the importance of clarity in conveying the company’s financial services. To address this, I focused on the following:

  • Enhanced User Experience: I redesigned the structure to include a user-friendly navigation system and ensured a smooth browsing experience for visitors.
  • Engaging Content Layout: To support Era Financial’s content development plans, I designed layouts that were easy to populate with information.
  • Process Section: Recognizing the need to educate visitors about their services, I added a comprehensive “Process” section, which was missing in the original structure. This section highlighted the steps and benefits of Era Financial’s services.

Technologies Used

I used Figma and Illustrator to create the design, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing website. Additionally, I recommended the use of a Content Management System (CMS) for easy content updates by the developer.

Key Features and Functionalities:

  • Home Page: A welcoming and informative landing page showcasing Era Financial’s mission and services.
  • Service Page: Detailed information about Era Financial’s services, focusing on the benefits.
  • Individual Service Page: In-depth information on each financial service, catering to clients with specific needs.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: An intuitive menu structure for easy exploration.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring a seamless experience on various devices.

Results and Outcomes

With the new website design in place, Era Financial is now poised to establish its online presence. They have a platform that will engage and educate their target audience effectively. Although content was yet to be added at the conclusion of the project, the design is ready to be filled with informative and persuasive content that will attract potential clients and establish Era Financial as a trustworthy financial partner.

Harshit Awasthi


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Harshit Awasthi- Best Designer in Himachal

Harshit Awasthi – UI/UX Designer

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